Automated Compliance Security Testing with VASE

Compliance with security regulations is critical for companies to meet legal and regulatory requirements. In this blog post, we show how NEON Information Security GmbH, with its product VASE, supports compliance managers in effectively implementing security policies and ensuring compliance with standards such as DORA (The EU Digital Operational Resilience Act), BSI and ISO 27000.

Insight into VASE for Compliance Managers:

VASE enables automated security testing to ensure that all security policies are in place and that no compliance gaps go unnoticed. With a comprehensive attack library, you can rigorously test your systems to ensure that all relevant regulations and standards are met.

Why Compliance Managers Need VASE:

  • Automation of Compliance Tests: VASE automates the testing process, saving time and resources while minimizing human errors.
  • Continuous Compliance Monitoring: With VASE, you can continuously monitor the adherence to security policies and immediately respond to potential deficiencies.
  • Effective Policy Testing: Easily verify whether your security policies are effective and if compliance gaps in your operational environment are truly closed.

Learn how VASE strengthens your organization’s security and compliance infrastructure, helping compliance managers proactively respond to threats and regulatory requirements.