Automate Data Protection and Security with VASE

Data protection and security are crucial for safeguarding personal data and meeting legal requirements. In this blog post, we explain how NEON Information Security GmbH, with its product VASE, supports data protection officers in automating data protection measures and meeting security standards such as GDPR and BSI.

Benefits of VASE for Data Protection Officers:

VASE offers the ability to automate security tests, ensuring that your data protection measures withstand the latest threats. Through targeted attacks from a comprehensive attack library, you can ensure your data protection infrastructure is effective and compliant with all legal requirements.

Why Data Protection Officers Need VASE:

  • Automated Data Protection Tests: VASE enables efficient automation of tests to keep data security constantly up to date.
  • Proactive Data Protection Management: Identify potential vulnerabilities and proactively respond to threats before they become serious data protection incidents.
  • Effective Resource Utilization: Maximize the efficiency of your data protection team by automating repetitive tasks and minimizing human errors.

Learn more about how VASE helps data protection officers strengthen their organization’s security and comply with the latest threats and legal requirements.