Finance: Investing in VASE IT-Security means reducing Your Company’s Risks

As a CEO or a member of finance management, the security of your company is of paramount importance. In this post, we aim to demonstrate that NEON Information Security GmbH and its product VASE represent a sustainable investment to ensure your organization’s security while considering its efficiency.

The Value of VASE

VASE enables your company to automate security tests, ensuring that your security system is robust and effective. This not only helps prevent security incidents but also protects your company’s reputation and financial success.

Why CEOs/Finance Management Need VASE

  • Protecting Company Reputation: With VASE, you can proactively respond to security threats, thereby protecting your company’s reputation.
  • Reducing Security Risks: Automated tests minimize human errors and reduce the risk of security breaches.
  • Long-term Cost-effectiveness: The high level of automation provides a foundation to replace previously manual controls with continuously updated databases and secure, efficient processes, ensuring long-term security and resilience.
  • Focus on What Matters: Relieve the SOC team of routine tasks so they can focus on critical tasks and provide IT security assessments “where it really counts”.

Learn how VASE strengthens your company’s security infrastructure while offering long-term economic benefits.